Your Mornings Will Never Be The Same - 5 Things to Add to Your Morning Routine

Your Mornings Will Never Be The Same - 5 Things to Add to Your Morning Routine


Mornings are special. They note the beginning of the day, regardless of where you are. You can be a morning person or not, but one thing is for sure. You have to get out of the bed. I am definitely a morning person. But mostly in the summer. When the sun is shining through the greenish Spanish window shades, I am the first one to run out at 5 am. I don't want to miss a second on this beautiful weather, and I have to spend all the time in nature. In the winter-time my morning routine is somewhat muted, and focused on self-care.

Let's hear what experts have to say about morning routines, and why they are important.

1. Make a bed

What a routine. But, you would be surprised that some surveys suggest more than 59% of people do not make their bed for different reasons. But listen, it is the first task of the day, simple and quick to do - unless you want a staged design for a stylish Home & Living Magazine. It will leave you with a sense of first accomplishment, pleasing visuals and hopefully it ripples to other aspects of your day.

2. Take a cold shower

Ok, your bed is all set & done, what next? I say take a cold shower! You say: "That sounds daunting."; "What did I do to deserve this.";"Wait is it a punishment? I thought it's about morning routines." Ok I know what you mean. But it is not as bad as it sounds. In fact, most people who practised cold showering over several months, report it is really not as bad. In addition. Cold showers have many benefits such as improved circulation in your blood system, strengthening your immunity, increased alertness or even improved skin & hair condition. The one that sticks with me is definitely the alertness. Nothing wakes you up more than a full fetched cold shower.

3. Take vitamins and supplements

Taking supplements and vitamins in the morning kickstarts your day with a boost of essential nutrients, helping to support your body's needs and set a foundation for optimal health and vitality. I love coupling this routine with a glass of water (I guess there is no other way), but at least it's a good excuse to have an extra glass. During my pregnancy, I was taking folic acid and iron, just as about every gyn doctor recommends. And it was so easy. It was a must. That helped me develop a habit of taking other supplements in the morning even after pregnancy. I personally use pro-biotics, multi-vitamins and collagen & protein powder, and AG1. I know it's almost impossible to eat varied every single day and recording every nutrient is just on on my priority list. What is on my priority list, is to care for my body and skin, and I leave the formula to the professionals - C4H6N2O3R2 - something like that.

4. Journal 

My favourite since my teens. Journaling is a powerful way to start a day. It gives you the opportunity to calm down and express your thoughts directly on paper. Journaling can motivate you, calm you, excite you, give you strength but also put a word on who you are at this point in time. I think most of you would agree, that understanding ourselves is one of the many complicated mysteries. With that in mind, journaling serves as a mirror reflecting the complexities of our past selves, offering insight, clarity, and understanding to the journeys we've traveled. 

5. Step out and about

If you step counter goal is set to anything above 5000 per day, you better start early. Mine is on 8000 and if I am at home all day, even with piles of laundry, trash to be taken out, dancing in front of TV or walking to the groceries store, I am nowhere near 4000. Stepping out in the morning, even for 20 minutes can do miracles. Admire the nature, listen to the podcast, and observe the stillness before the hustle and the bustle begins. 

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